Having a bad back or back pains is bad enough when you’re in the comfort of your own home. But what’s even worse for your back, is to be stuck in a poorly made office chair for 8 hours a day. Using the incorrect supportive chair every day may drastically […]
If you have been down to your local Mall lately, you may have noticed that mesh office chairs for big and tall people are few and far between. If you are lucky enough to test one out before buying then you definitely do have a advantage over a lot of […]
Is someone at home or in your office screaming out ‘I NEED A Fat Person Desk Chair‘?. It happens regularly in our office, especially when cleaners decide to move peoples chairs around while us office workers are at home resting after a hard day in the office. As a joke […]
Reviews Of The Office Star Managers Chairs When on the hunt for Office Star Executive Chairs, certain standards and requirements should be met. Free shipping is an optional part of my criteria for buying Office Star office chairs online. High quality reviewed chairs make the buying decision even easier. But […]
If your anything like me and hate the thought of trying to squeeze into an inadequate sized computer chair, then an Extra Wide Office Chair is an absolute necessity. For me there is nothing worse then contemplating whether to trust another persons office chair in fear of being too big […]
Being a short person and finding adequate seating can at times be frustrating beyond belief. It’s no different for office chairs either, if not harder to find. So what is the best office chairs for short people and what’s considered short anyways?. How does one establish themselves as ‘short’ in […]
Before anyone hops on down to the local office chair department store, it’s important to think about the ergonomic benefits of the chair. But first one must understand what is a ergonomic office chair so you have an idea what to look for, and if having a ergonomic office chair […]
Caster Wheels: HEAVY DUTY Miracle Caster Wheels Review When it comes to large heavy duty caster wheels, there’s only one brand I recommend. You may or may not have heard of the Miracle Casters. These over sized caster wheels are not optional for me. But an absolute requirement. They are […]
Exercise Equipment For The Office Why should one exercise in the office?. Chances are you’re here to find ways to exercise or exercise equipment for the office. This is most likely due to insufficient time. Morning is a very hectic time of day, getting the kids ready for School, breakfast […]
When buying any Big Man’s Office Chairs Up To 400 Lbs in weight capacity it’s important to realize that cheaper is not always better. As a larger big Man myself who spends countless hours behind the office desk, I know just how important a sturdy and reliable office chair is. […]